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“PAL Network for Roma Entrepreneurship” Slovenia 20-21 September 2018

 On 20-21 September, the PAL PUSH Steering Committee reconvened in Ljubjana, Slovenia.«PAL Network for Roma Entrepreneurship» SC meeting in the framework of the Erasmus + Program “ΚΑ2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”is aiming to enhance the Roma business initiatives and self employment in Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Romania, Spain, Hungary and France and is co-funded by the European Union. The main points on the agenda are focused on strategic updates – findings of the recent project component progress , internal information and perspectives of partnership in the way forward. 

Leader Partner: RomPraha, Czech Republic, Partner 1: Univerzitetni Rehabilitacijski Institut Republike Slovenije-Soca, Slovenia, Partner 2: Fondazione Leone Moressa, Italy, Partner 3: UC Limburg, Belgium, Partner 4: Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’ s Local Authorities, Greece, Partner 5: Oecon Group Bulgaria, Bulgaria,Partner 6: Otvorena medijska grupacija, Croatia, Partner 7: Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambientalisteve Industriale, Albania