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Traditional Settlements, Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development
3rd meeting

Between the 26th and the 28th April took place the third transnational meeting in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 2016-2018 project “Traditional Settlements, Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” (2016-1-EL01-KA204-023477), in which AAIE/SRC&IT is a partner institution.

No meeting in Venice can take place without visiting the venerable City of Venice itself which – thanks to it being an off-season – could be done at a relatively leisurely pace. As one of the most visited tourism destinations in the World, Venice presents a range of issues related to settlements and sustainability, that form the core of the KA2 project. Against all the odds, however, Venice remains an unquestionable and unimitable wonder of art, engineering and architecture.